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    ? … I'm pretty sure Crantz got the joke & was agreeing with your sarcasm.

    About the organist: I think you missed a good chunk of the conversation in the diner, where it's made pretty clear that she's either divorced or widowed; Jesse is encouraging her to try dating again; and she's acting more or less like she's had a crush on him for a long time but has given up on him ever noticing.

    "He wasn't, but now he is" is pretty much it. He didn't have any previous experience with this whatever-it-is, so he didn't know he had any magic powers when he told the guy to open his heart.

    I don't think the show made much effort to *un*-confuse anyone who might be confused about the difference, but no, they did not "just confuse domestic violence" with BDSM. They portrayed two characters who are themselves confused. They're into their thing, but the woman definitely hasn't thought it through (like, how

    Btw, most of the people here probably aren't watching it at the same time as the reviewer, they just showed up because they like talking about it. And, as you see above, that includes people who hate the show and just show up here every week to talk about how no one should watch it.

    Well I just felt dumb because I do actually know the difference, but had a brainfart where I got Ennis's background mixed up with Ellis's. It'd save everyone a lot of trouble if they just merged into a single entity, Warth Elnis.

    Well, when I said I was glad I didn't get around to it till people had stopped talking about it so much, I meant that I enjoy things a lot more when I can avoid worrying about whether they're "overrated". It's hard to avoid when there's something a lot of people love and I feel like the only malcontent, but I think

    Oooops. Very true.

    This is why I was kind of glad that I didn't get around to reading Preacher till after people had mostly stopped talking about it, so I wasn't too bothered by how incredibly stupid some of it is— I was just like, "OK, yeah, Ennis thinks a lot of dumb shit is funny, and he really badly needs an editor who isn't just

    Pretty sure a couple of people on the show have confirmed that he's in it, of course I can't find any of them now, but here's Ennis seeming to say that he'll show up "very quickly"— whatever that means.

    I thought so too, and I think Moore touched on some of that in the commentary. They did lots of episodes that started out with a way different idea of what they were about, didn't seem to be working and were eventually saved by edits and reshoots, moving some storylines to another episode or just ditching them, etc.

    As long as we're all agreeing with each other (and thank you, by the way, for being even wordier than me— I was afraid I'd gone too far), I think that's a really good point about Cain's supposed plan for retaking the colonies being hard to reconcile with her attitude toward everything else. She was fine with

    "… has zero strategic value and is going to be a problem for them if she is ever discovered living in Russia. Traitors are pretty notorious even now so it would be a big incident if she is discovered"

    Hmm, I may have to check that out.

    Judging by the dog's comments elsewhere, it's not a gimmick account so much as a way to get more attention for repeatedly expressing an opinion which, while presumably heartfelt, is kind of one-note: basically any time anyone brings up politics in a discussion about writing or movies or anything really, it's a

    Yeah, just because you can see her point of view doesn't mean "her approach to the crisis might actually be the 'correct' one." After going so far down this path, it's pretty obvious that she's so committed to authority and hardassedness for its own sake, and so incapable of admitting error, that the only way her

    Or, you know, people say they liked a thing because they actually liked it, because sometimes people don't have the same opinion as you. Arguing about whether it's good is fine, but no need to make up reasons why others don't really think what they think.

    And I think the only reason the fans knew it before then is that Moore couldn't resist mentioning its inside-joke origins in the episode commentary (pissed-off original-Galactica fans had been referring to his show as GINO, Galactica In Name Only).

    I wasn't totally blown away by the first issue, but I didn't expect to be; there's a lot of stage-setting happening. And I like Stelfreeze's art a lot but I don't think the current Marvel house coloring style does it a lot of favors. That said, I can't understand the point of view of a review like this Ken Parille

    They never did much with the character but I liked the actor, hope she continues to get some non-stunt work (most of her credits so far are for roles like "Faerie #2" and "Hot Girl #2"). The bit with bartending for herself was weirdly charming, like "Yeah I'm using my superpower just to get drunk, even though anyone