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    Yeah, based on her dialogue in this episode, Sansa has never met Lysa and didn't know anything about her except whatever Cat told her as a kid, and Cat hadn't seen Lysa for years and didn't really know how crazy she had become.

    Unreliable, but a lot more deniable than poison. Cersei didn't (we now know) have any previous experience with poison; to find out, she'd have to involve someone else, which is risky. There's no innocent explanation for obtaining poison just before someone mysteriously dies. Whereas providing a ton of booze to someone

    I think that last sentence is an overstatement. Tywin sent Gregor to pillage the Riverlands specifically in order to provoke war with the Starks and Tullys; up till then, it was just a small-scale feud between a couple of their family members.

    I would assume that'd be a bigger fire than you'd get from just burning down a largeish house in the woods.

    "I know comic people hated that Hulk jumps around places"

    "But that wasn't the impression I got from the corresponding scene at the end of the third novel"

    Petyr has been going around telling people that he took the virginity of both Tully sisters. Maybe he thinks it's true, and there were two incidents: first with Lysa, but he thought she was Cat; then later once he understood he'd lost his chance with Cat, he slept with Lysa on purpose.

    He actually reminded me a lot of a couple of former eccentric bosses who had gone into the computer industry in the '60s when no one quite knew what that industry was yet. Both of them looked and acted like a cross between middle management and a car dealer— they had this kind of low-key mania, they were always

    Eh, I thought it was a nice character moment. This guy thinks of himself as a dreamer, at least compared to the IBM people, and all he knows about Don is that Don is a creative something or other who seems to like talking to him. So he shows off a little and talks silly about these machines that he loves.

    I like how it kind of implies that Jojen may be hallucinating insane shit all the time everywhere he looks, he just isn't always telling you about it.

    The Incredible Hulk (2008 version) has a scene in which Edward Norton briefly makes out with Liv Tyler but then has to decline her enthusiastic sexual advances because he has a prudish fear of turning into the Hulk. We then see them lying in separate beds looking extremely frustrated. I can't remember whether their

    No, I've watched the scene again and he doesn't say that. Cutler says he wants to talk about Harry Crane; Sterling says dismissively, "Fine, he's gone"; Cutler ignores Sterling and says it's unacceptable that their media department doesn't have a computer. It's unclear whether he's trying to imply that it's Crane's

    It wasn't a plot point, it's just that in a scene where there were a bunch of zombie people and some zombie horses— as seen on the show— the book also had a zombie bear.

    I realize you're probably just trolling, but just in case you really meant the shitty thing you said: nowhere did I say or imply that it would be OK for Margaery to molest Tommen. What I said was that Margaery doesn't come across as a child molester because she's not looking for sex; the "little secret" she wants to

    Just to be all nerdy and literal-minded about it: Bran was supposed to be 10 years old when the series started 3 years ago.

    At 11? Ha ha ha ha oh my goodness yes indeed.

    Wait, are we meant to think that Harry really is being shitcanned? I thought Roger just threw that out as the equivalent of "Cutler, I'm sure I know what you're about to say, and I'm so uninterested that I'll just automatically agree with it if that'll shut you up." Then Cutler went on to talk about computers instead,

    I don't know if you're talking to me or just happened to reply to me, but I didn't intend any condescension— I sure didn't caricature other people's statements using pretend-quotes like "why waste ur tym posting u loser," which strikes me as a somewhat douchey approach as well.

    If it weren't for those meddling women writers, a man with a life-long history of alcoholism, psychological damage, and compulsive destructive behavior couldn't possibly have any real problems; he would be able to fly over all obstacles simply by flapping his enormous balls.

    Henry may not know any better, though. His own mother, from the little we've seen of her, seems like kind of an asshole and may have been worse than Betty when he was growing up.