
Accurate, though.  The masses do not give a shit. 

I know Apple has a cult following and some people will buy their new products no matter what. But I just don’t believe in VR being anything other than a gimmick. I have a Quest 2 (got it for free from my employer) and it can be fun to play games on it for short spurts. But it’s also a strain to wear and use for long

People don't like VR in general. This is DOA. 

You mean Naomi Campbell’s heartfelt sentence fragment for which she couldn’t be bothered to use simple grammar didn’t bring a tear to your eye?

Jesus fucking christ. This should be a one-paragraph article--publish De Niro’s statement and that’s it. Or, if we’re truly respecting the family’s privacy, you didn’t have to publish an article at all. But thank god we got to hear Lenny fucking Kravitz’s and Andy fucking Cohen’s takes on this very personal, private

Indiana Jones being a bit problematic is basically tradition.

So does my dog.

I don’t know who this person is, but if there’s a word I hate, it’s “groomers”.

I can think of four Washington movies that are better than Sleepless, including Harry and the Hendersons and the first Twilight.

I just don’t think Nora Ephron movies age all that well, save for When Harry met Sally, and I think that was thanks in part to an absolutely on fire Rob Reiner. 

Maybe because it’s climax was at Mt. Rushmore, which is South Dakota?

Yeah I didn’t even realize any of the meat of the movie was in Arkansas.  The point was that Chaney booked it out of the state for the frontier after killing Maddie’s dad, and she needed someone to go after him.

The city of Fargo is, but most of the movie takes place in Brainderd, Minneapolis, and Moose Lake MN. I believe the hitmen are from Fargo.

Fargo doesn’t take place in Fargo, though, outside of one pivotal scene in the beginning. 

Another runner-up for Arkansas:  Mud.  Honestly, I would have chosen it over True Grit.  Much of True Grit takes place in Indian Territory, which is modern day Oklahoma.  Plus, as an Arkansan, I felt like it the most Arkansan movie I’ve seen.

Ah yes, “fine”. The highest of praise!

The real gangsters are the banksters and they do their shit in broad daylight.

A list such as this has me praying for a new ice age. 

Thank you!

This is gross.

We are 18 days into 2023. These are all people who have freshly passed and phrasing it like this makes it seem like a joke at their expense. On top of that, it’s a blatant grab for attention as no one, in 18 days, who cares about this stuff, have missed that these celebrities died.

Do better. 

Remembering the clicks we want in 2023