
It’s not, it’s just that things haven’t gotten bad enough for enough people yet. Hopefully, if it does get to that point in the future, it won’t be too late to do something about it.

It’s almost as if he’s an ignorant hotep that doesn't know shit about shit 🤔

it truly is the darkest timeline. It’s clear that people don’t know which fucking way is up anymore. We ignored the zeitgeist and put up Hillary instead in 2016 and it was a failure. It’s gonna be no different for Joe. He has nothing to offer that American voters haven’t already rejected and, from the perspective of

Yeah...and you’ll learn something when you watch Biden lose the general election just like Hillary did. I’m not sure why exactly you think you’re so clever or what you think you have all figured out.

I dunno, I finally watched Creed II the other day and now I'm kinda hyped for Malia v. Tiffany 2032

They were the small class of sellouts who benefited from and actively participated in the exploitation of their own people for personal gain.

Lol—what do you think this is? Some kind of meritocracy?

They’re speaking in terms of a conservative/liberal scale as it exists everywhere in the developed world but America.

It’s not a chasm, but she hurt herself with progressives with her pivot and the “I’m a capitalist to the bone” move. She was riding a center line between Sanders and the moderates that didn’t leave a lot of space to define a lane that was decidedly hers.

No they arent


Uh, im sure getting your product picked up for sale at Target would be a pretty big fucking deal for any fledgling kind of *is* literally paving a way for success for black female business owners. Demonstrating a path to success is a method of empowering young black women. Target, and any other major

You think moderate Republicans have the same views as Trump? Look at Romney. The Republican establishment fucking hates Trump, but they still like him more than Obama. So, maybe us on the left need to stop worry about what *can’t* be done, and embrace what we think *should* be done and fucking fight for it, instead of


And here folks, is a great example of why the Democratic party is in the shit heap. Even when we win, we’re losing; we can’t accomplishanything because we’re still mostly cowards who really just want to maintain a status quo that mostly works for us, everyone else be damned, than strive to creat a more just society.

Pfft. Laughable.

It’s actually a scientific fact. Cheddar has a higher melting temp. Cheddar is my favorite cheese but American is the correct choice for a bacon or sausage egg and cheese on a ROLL (i.e., not bagel).

Wow. Give up this Bernie Bro boogeyman B's already. You sound ridiculous.

Worse by what metric?

Fucking facepalm.