
I was around for the release of both HL and the Orange Box, and let me tell you... Gamers, myself included, fucking *hated* Steam when it launched. Not only did it work really poorly, but we also foresaw the problems inherent with a unified distribution platform that have pretty much come to pass...

Uhhh Valve’s full set-up package is $1000

Jezebel’s headlines are becoming more and more misleading over time


It actually *is* free. Lootboxes are totally elective. I’ve been playing since Beta and have never purchased a lootbox in my life. If you’re a casual player who’s obsessed with in-game cosmetics, that’s on YOU. And, nonetheless, you aren’t losing ANY of what you’ve already purchased whether you eventually buy OW2 or


You’re talking out of your ass and you sound like a whiny man baby

There has literally been zero word on pricing, so you have nothing to base that statement on.

OR just don’t buy it and stop fucking complaining

Yeah, well that’s YOUT choice. I’ve played since Beta and have never bought a loot boxes, because why would you buy them when you can earn every skin for free for simply playing the game?

What the fuck are you talking about? You get to keep a of your OW 1 content. OW 2 will launch before 2020 is over.

People are entitled whiney brats man, especially gamers and media “nerds.” Being insufferable is part of the culture.

Except you don’t have to buy loot boxes, you can just play the game and earn them. Nobody forces you to waste money on them. I’ve been playing since Beta and have spent literally $0 on lootboxes.

God...the whining...

Exactly this. This is why it’s a separate release built on a new engine.

Really excellently written Heather. Looking forward to this when it drops on PC.

What’s unbelievable is your ignorance. It’s like you haven’t listened to a word she’s said.

Or, maybe your mind is so clouded you can no longer see the big picture. This is one of the most disingenuous, disappointing comments sections I’ve seen on this site.

I swear sometimes we are our own worst enemy

Yes she could.