
They are broken durn to numerical scores but those scores do not necessarily equal admission. Passing the cutoff scores doesn’t guarantee a seat. There are subjective determinate at play.


Except admissions isn’t a math equation. It’s not if you meet x and y criteria you are entitled to a seat. It’s an individual calculus and determinations are made in case by case bases.

Or... They can go to another school...

If you’re so we’ll credentialed as to be seriously considered for Harvard, you will get into other prestigious, high ranked schools.

It’s the same price as the original Gameboy, no?

It’s really pathetic that this is the kind of petty bullshit our political discourse has devolved to.

I’m not a prosecutor, but I am an attorney. That’s great for your wife and her dad, but where’s your license to practice? Please tell me more about that expert legal judgment you vicariously obtained...

No, there’s no boundary here. Schools, even private schools, are subject to government regulation. The law sends that your child must be vaccinated to attend school, and the DOHMH has the authority to do so under the City Charter. Nobody is involuntarily vaccinating anyone, and involuntarily vaccination.has never been

You’re right, that’s what the law isn’t forcing them to do anything.

This has nothing to do with priors. This is an example of prosecutorial ashattery. This guy pleaded guilty to a lesser included offenses. If I were this prosecutor, my only response to any bargain would be “No deal. Trial.”

Competent people who are not white men are of putting. This is the same nonsense the right spun with Barack years ago, and it stems not only from their racism/sexism, but their embrace of anti-intellectualism and reverence of hokey, chummy “local yokel,” presentation. Remember all the “criticism” of Obama because he


Except it can. This while argument is ridiculous. Claiming ancestry or noting descent isn’t the same as claiming that you’re a member of a tribe. I have French ancestry (among many other things), that is a verifiable fact. I am not French though. Warren's only mistake was engaging with Trump in the first place. This

Best super hero movie?

Yes, Spawn is great, and was a great story at it’s inception. I haven’t read comics in over a decade, but I own the first 50 or so issues of Spawn and still love the character.

Uh, the PBA is absolutely a union...what?

I don’t know what you guys are on, they’re absolutely a union.

Uh, ever heard of Batman?

What? That's also dumb