
Honestly, if it gets us to where we need to be ultimately, I may be willing to make that bargain. At this point, so much lasting damage has already been done. If the misery four more years of Trump is what we need to have some real progress, maybe it’s worth it.

And it’s all going to come crashing down on our heads unless we do something. All that we have now, and all your point of view really leads to is doing nothing, because things are still mostly ok now.

Lol--wouldn’t your conclusion be better supported by an example of a system that’s successful?

There are too many strings attached to Chinese aid”

Nice platitude, but what’s that even supposed to mean in this context?

especially since we supply them with billions in weaponry”

You’re as full of shit as Schumer.

...this is amazing

No Doubt was not very bad. Eric Stefani was a musical genius, he’s really an excellent composer, and even at a young age, Gwen had an incredibly powerful voice. Her vibrato and range were insane--listen to Excuse Me Mister and tell me that's not a great song. Tragic Kingdom is definitely their best album, and not

Not really, considering the nature of what her testimony likely was and, moreover, the questions that she was asked...there’s likely very good reason to keep all of that under seal.

Well, that skepticism seems to have backfired since she’s in prison again regardless...

Yeah--you’re letting a lot of people off the hook for a lot of shit, but do you man.


What the fuck are you talking about?

True, and Omar’s tweet was not anti-Semitic.

As I mentioned, there is a great amount of literature you can read, including many first hand accounts, of the atrocities committed by ordinary, everyday Germans during the Holocaust. Of course not every individual non-Jewish, non-communist, non-democratic, German citizen was 100% a true believer, but more than enough

when in fact, most were unwilling recruits

Seriously, I am SO GLAD that, for whatever reason, I grew up without the compulsion to idolize those that created the things I love. I can know about a person in relation to their work, and recognize their talent or even genius in relation to their work, but I never worshiped them.

Because you were in high-school, and most Americans are lucky to confront the reality of our history before college, if at all.

Yeah, the Japanese did some fucking evil shit, particularly to the Chinese and the Koreans.