If Ant-Man is “middle tier,” what is bottom tier?
If Ant-Man is “middle tier,” what is bottom tier?
I disagree...it’s mostly a popularity contest and this shows who’s most well known.
Am I shadow banned on Jezebel?
The more on point the criticism, the more the cages will rattle and the more pushback you’ll see. Everyone arguing in good-faith knows *exactly* what Omar meant, and it had nothing to do with anti-Semitism, and everything to do with the fact that the right wing Israeli lobby is just about the only group that exerts…
more willful ignorance...
Yes, yes he did, and I’m sure that played a large part in his arrested development, his pedophilia, his self hatred, and his slew of other deep complex psychological issues.
Yeah, that’s my point though. There were necessarily other people involved in the logistics of keeping the abuse hidden. Do you think he was arranging his hotel rooms for himself on tour? Personally telling hotel staff to lie to the parents about why their rooms were getting further and further away over time? Installi…
Nope. Some people had to have known. Whether all those things you mentioned resulted in them staying silent is another story...
I dunno man--MJ was pretty obviously obsessed with young boys, and even if all circumstantial evidence is wrong, which I think is unlikely, any sane person would hand stopped behaving the way he did after 1993..
Watched most of the doc last night and it’s pretty chilling. I have complicated feelings about it, but I believe these victims’ stories. More to your point, this morning I remembered the Chappelle’s Show skit that, especially in retrospect, highlighted (intentionally, I think) the general public’s willful ignorance/…
See my response above.
Legalization of sex work is not a mainstream issue in American politics. I’m not arguing that it’s unimportant, I’m arguing that it’s not even on the radar of the average American voter. It’s a niche issue and, frankly, there are bigger fish to fry right now.
I wouldn’t hold my breath, I also don’t think k that’s the hill to die on...
Why is it a weird pass? I don’t expect most presidential candidates to have an opinion on this, and if they do, it’s gonna be either a “no comment” or a “no.” It’s a niche issue at best.
You’re a joke.
He’s right though...
The establishment seems to be more afraid off Bernie than they were of Trump, that’s why
People like you are the reason real progress is so rarely made. You know, the right three their support behind their “idealist” candidate and that candidate and everyone fell in line...