That was really nice, very beautiful work. They kinda managed to get the traffic, but only a tiny bit. The stars in the night sky were done so well you could almost get dizzy!
That was really nice, very beautiful work. They kinda managed to get the traffic, but only a tiny bit. The stars in the night sky were done so well you could almost get dizzy!
Are you referring to the weather, or the girls? :D
I have yet to see a book I would support banning. Just move this one to the fiction section.
Well said. The placenta note is a very good point.
Of course not. Android users are too rebellious. They prefer the follower-types like iPhone users.
I wonder how many people are more likely to have Crisco than a candle in their home. I have no Crisco or its like at all in the house, but a few candles around.
I have a pretty strong habit of disassembling things to see how they work, but even I would know better to pull a string located THERE! It'd be a bit like pulling the pin on a grenade- sure, you could, but you'd die shortly thereafter.
Ah man... Only US locations. And I'm going to Europe later this year!
Exception that proves the rule? Na, I never liked that idea. You got me on that one!
Yep, or the occasional sex scandal.
To be honest, the headline was a pretty good indication before I saw a mobile home was involved.
I pretty much new where this story was going at the phrase "mobile home." I was not disappointed.
Visitor pushes button on bell...
Funny timing. It was a short bit ago that I learned from a couple of people that a recent ex of mine is 'secretly' following me here on Giz. One of them suggested ditching my account, or making a new one. Na. As I said to them, this is a public forum wherein I make comments made for public consumption. I don't…
Aaaaannnnnd...... I should have read further on.... Yep, fake. Duh! (I'm sleepy. Leave me alone.)
Crushed? Vacuum crushing??
Worked great for me. Back when I was 10, I drove a backhoe for my uncle. A yellow-jacket stung me just under the eye while I was digging the septic hole. Luckily (in this rare case), my uncle chewed tobacco, so he gave me a wad and had me hold it on the spot. I learned that I had to be super careful not to get it…
Ya know, when I said it, I was kidding. But as I walked away from the computer, I thought, "Why not?!?" Let's raise some money for disadvantaged cats- and put Sam through the ringer in the process!
Hehehe Very cool. So do we need to setup a "Sam's Gonna Jump" party? When and where? Maybe we can sell tickets and raise money for a cat-related charity. :) (Sorry Sam, you did say... Maybe we'll let you use a bungee cord or dive into water.)
You are not kidding! For more on what they did, or came close to doing, read the new non-fiction book on Are 51 by Annie Jacobsen called "Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base". She is a journalist specializing in security/military (something along those lines). I cannot vouch for the…