
Dang it! I just gave my mother an XBox for Xmas! Now I have to monitor her usage? Or even take it away?

@AlmightyRenegade: Daniel Craig is a good James Bond, just not the one we're used to. He's rough around the edges, more human, foibles and all, which markets well with today's viewers. And he's a good actor.

@workman: Ah, but notice the smooth, cool shelves? Your cat (and mine) would still seek out a warm lap or the comforter on your beds.

This was.... a difficult read. To say the least. My circumstances are different in the details and intensity, but I felt everything he wrote at one time or another. Maybe I'm lucky; maybe I'm stronger or smarter; maybe I'm not as damaged- but I got help and, with that help, pulled myself most of the way out. Not

@StylusPictures: I can't speak to any psych theory, but I don't out my rapist primarily because, in her situation, she is likely never to be punished and it will cause more trouble than any benefit it might bring (esp due to lack of evidence, too much time). I like to hope that she never did it to anyone else, but

@Mr_Quackers: It's longer than most of mine even!

My girlfriend is a research biologist.

@stavosws6: Maybe I'm just in a bad mood (OK, I kind am), but I'd take his OK day over my good day anytime!

I'm not fluent in Bear, but I'm pretty sure i heard one of them grunt something nasty about paparazzi.

@Morlay: Ya, I use French, Spanish, or even English to tell my German girlfriend I love her. Saying it auf Deutch just sounds wrong, like I'm threatening her.

@nandreetta: LOL Cute. I would actually like that added to the cameras' menus.

A minor (but important) detail most of us forget is that young trees grow more, thereby sucking more CO2 out of the air. Old growth is beautiful and should be protected, but it doesn't pull as much CO2. So, farmed, real trees for the win!

@Ravennl: I've seen that one. I love it!

Quite interesting, really. I would have preferred that the article actually used pictures that point out exactly what was being described. As one who is very much NOT a suite aficionado, that would have been very helpful.

It's truly amazing where they find the sounds the use! I was with a group at a historical re-enactment when we were tasked (and paid by keg) to make all kinds of battle noises so the sound people could record them for a movie. Shields and axes hitting, swords clanging, people yelling from hits, all kinds of good

@jacobestes: My new girlfriend and I recently did that, and we're nice and clean! :D

On room temp: I agree with lowering the temp when going to bed. For me, it's practically a necessity anyway; otherwise, it's very difficult for me to fall asleep. Which leads to my adjustment to his point- in the colder months, I keep the heater close enough to reach it (with a good, long stretch) so I can turn it

@craiglloyd: Really? Where do I sign up to be a starship captain? Really. I want that job!