
@ToneTheTiger: Very cool. We (at work, a public facility in the L.A. area) just received word on some revisions to the ADA and it includes specific mention of miniature horses as animal aids.

@CarbonatedFalcon: I read that comic all the time. When I saw this one, I printed it out and hung it at my desk!

@Mark Trbojevic: It isn't about the effect, but the flavor. Which still compares well with water.

@CnEY: I saw that with the right edge too, but didn't give a thought until you mentioned it. I agree it's easy to ignore- I just set that margin for 5 and didn't worry about it- on my left monitor, before I realized it was affecting both. On my main, I set the right for 50 because I have a few icons I need down that

Well, I tried it and REALLY wanted to like it, but I ran into one minor issue and a problem that made me uninstall it.

@MagicTrackpad: I think I'll set this up as the boot pic on a coworker's PC. :)

What I don't get is the supposed need for this. I understand that the blind possibly need a little extra warning, but I can hear these things from plenty far enough away to not need this odd device. Add to this that most blind people (at least the ones I've known) have better hearing, and this device really is

@BBQ Cornnuts: When I've done hiring, I made it a point to read them. They give extra insight into the person. Of course, most are so poorly written, that extra insight lands them in the round-file, but the good ones earn their resume better attention from me.

@flugennock: If you can't find a preoof reader, use text-to-speech. And listen. If their is something wrong, you'll here it, except for homonyms. :)

@battra92: The overdraft itself is not the scam. It's an appropriate fee for spending money that isn't yours.

@ImmaLion: Nope. Good for him! Youth is wasted on the young. We should all strive to be successful, then kick back and enjoy life while we still have our faculties. Heck, that even HELPS the young'ns get a job since we'll be kickin' it. Or, would be if we had the nerve to try like he did.

@thisdood: I knew a cop in a small town in New Mexico years ago who shot himself in the foot 'practicing' quick-draw on the lawn in front of the police station. Even at 8, I knew that was funny!

@funkytown: New account? I already have one dedicated for travel purposes! :) So, it's likely not an issue for me to link it with TripIt. If I use TripIt.

This is definitely a fun program. I'm not an artist by any stretch, but enjoy playing around sometimes, and this is about the easiest to use 3D-modeler I've seen.

@soul1355: That's what I was thinking- However, not everyone has willingly converted over to calling my GV#. So, I can use Aaron's nice idea to supplement the GV system.

@moe52: I agree. My painful lack of insularity causes me great consternation when considering how behind the times we are in things like cell phone tech, broadband speed, etc. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss. But still, I'd rather know and do something about it.

@iamjames: Yes, yes it does. And yet, here I am going, "Doh! I should've realized this long ago!" That's why it's generally a good thing Lifehacker posts things many consider obvious. :)

While a good idea in general, using this has some potential issues. The one that I ran into is that you can only forward a GV number to ONE mobile phone. So I cannot have it ring, say, my mother's cell phone and home phone, and my brother's cell phone.