Remember when doubling-down on smug, “snarky” constant bitching about white people helped the “progressives” win the Presidential election?
Yeah, me neither.
Remember when doubling-down on smug, “snarky” constant bitching about white people helped the “progressives” win the Presidential election?
Yeah, me neither.
“It’ll slow them down a lot. The US *is* the car market of the world. No matter what anyone says about China or Europe, the bulk of the sales volume is here, right in the good ol’ US of A.”
except for where Honda makes cars in AB, IA, OH and Canada which is basically a protectorate of the USA spewing out commodities and not finished goods and Toyota does in MS, KY, TX, AL & WV (oops and again Canada) while Kia just does it in GA and BMW in SC
BMW builds vehilces in south carolina. Honda in ohio, indiana, alabama.
Sure, because history teachers who have to teach hitler and his rise or people trying to prevent facism from happening totally should just ignore what hitler wrote. Not relevant at all.
But almost everyone would call it “Chinese people food” or “Thai people food” or “Italian people food.” I think if you call it “Black food” that would be more confusing than adding a qualifier of “people.”
Erm... if you think a Minority Report style prevention of crime system is a step in the right direction, you missed the point of the story.
I like when Ohio loses at stuff.
I’ve seen drunken frat boys in a bar fight while blowing a .30 with better head movement than Rousey.
wow, this is a real shame.
Nunes took home a $200,000 purse.
I could
On Twitter, Kara called you “the worst kind of people” for making this comment, FYI.
So Kara is making a lot of fun of you on Twitter for this comment. That’s a nice way to treat your readers, I suppose.
That’s exactly right. Fight as hard as you can against someone who wants to hurt you. Give no quarter, not an inch. Use everything at your disposal, scratching eyes, kicking balls, throat punches, no Marquess of Queensberry rules there.
Punching someone in the nuts in self-defense is not sexual assault.
“Nothing pisses off a man more than a woman being sexually unappealing and yet unapologetic about it.”
Nah. Most men wouldn’t even care. Your statement is a contradiction.
damn keep it in your pants nerd.
God… Idiots! Doubt they even know that Austria is its own continent.
I really thought this article was going to be about Chobani’s ascension in 2017 to being the most popular yogurt in America.