H $ Bags

Except this was passed by Obama. Its Obama that has invaded your privacy the last 8 years.

So are you going to give Obama the credit for this??

I love how trump has made so many people his bitch. Oh a story about a giraffe? Lemme post about Trump. A story about ice cream? Lemme post about Trump. Trump Trump Trump. 24/7 all you think about is Trump. LOL

It really has become “Kotaku: Women!!!” lately. Before you get your gender neutral undergarments in a twist, I’m not saying it’s terrible or anything. Between Japan-o-phile fluff and “I am Woman!!”, there’s a lack of neutral, non-controversy gaming news. It’s....boring. The internet has taken something I LOVED as a

I don’t see a problem with it, lewdness begets lewdness. If you want to use your assets to get viewers then expect those assets to be pointed out and be the main focus of attention. When Pansy streams CSGO she doesn’t get much of this comparably.

I think a comment of ‘boobs’ is more than acceptable when said streamer is using them as the main draw to her stream.

The more meaningful study would have been between women streamers who purposely, prominently display their chests ( low cut shirts, camera focused and angled on chests with the cam stream larger than the game stream; aka the titty streamers as the article calls them) and legit, normal women streamers who are actually

Better lie than the other side has been feeding you with? Nom nom nom still empty stomach?

I put one in my car once when I kept getting broken into. I left a juicy wallet right in the center too. A lawyer friend told me I could go to jail when the crook lost an arm: It was worth it!

Calling that “an actual Les Paul guitar” is pretty misleading. That’s barely an Epiphone. I have and love Epiphone guitars but the low end of Epiphone is probably not worth buying, even for beginners. I see lots of people fizzle out on guitar because they buy the cheapest one they can find and they suck to play.

Calling that “an actual Les Paul guitar” is pretty misleading. That’s barely an Epiphone. I have and love Epiphone

I know you’re trying to be funny, but...

Way to post a moronic comment without reading the article... or even watching the video.

Sure why not? What’s the point in opening the box, taking out the bubble wrap, and then taking it out of the box, only to put it IN another box and stuffing it with bubble wrap, and sealing the box?

Sounds like what you really need is to figure out how hoses work.

Physical activity of some kind is important to stay healthy, a large number of people now have jobs which dictate that they have to spend a huge part of their day NOT being physically active, so we need to squeeze it in somewhere. Also, some people have specific physical goals which are best achieved through specific

That was not brought up in the article. Sorry, I’m not going to buy into your bait.

My daughters are 27 and 30. They never missed any important appointments because we took care of their understanding of “If you don’t stop = this” prior to and never, ever had a problem. And frankly Beth, I like your articles, but if you think you’ll never eat again because you have to keep taking your child out of a

Badly behaved kids are the fault of the parents. We need to be publically shaming the bad parents.