The second half of the season definitely dragged, but the first half was solid.
The second half of the season definitely dragged, but the first half was solid.
I like to believe that somehow Pat survived a shot gun to the face, because why not. It would be hilarious if he became the Stinkmeaner of LMOE returning each season in worse shape, only to have the whole cast surprised that he's still alive.
How dare they find true love!
"Both sides are bad/as bad as the other" thats South Parks entire shtick.
GOON! …anyone still remember that?
After tomorrow theres a possibility that everything could go on hiatus.
She only airs her show once a week, so its hard to say she's running circles against her late night peers. The only real comparison is John Oliver who also airs his show once a week.
What the fuck are they protesting against? nothing?!?!?
Every time I think that margarita pool is gone, it comes back- its like Tandy's totem at this point.
Wow, I didn't expect to feel so depressed seeing Tandy try in vain to "fix" "Gary" with duct tape.
preeeeeeetty much everyone forgets he was a senator, and the first governor of Florida.
As much of a dud as this episode was, I still felt a little bit of emotion when Tandy looked over at the Jenga tower.
I like that Tandy was so happy to come across one of his old billboards. Its like a constant reminder of how far he's come.
I love those segways. she's a genuine geek.
Ugh, even the press should know better than to take photos of trump from the front.
The man has no neck.
I never said that. Don't rely on alternate facts.
Ol' trumpy! What will they think up next?
Please call him Pharma Bro, he hates that.
Me too. The play is very short.
Unpopular Opinion:
Drakes new album is ass, and its the reason why most of 2016's top hits all sound the same.