-Superman; 2016
-Superman; 2016
And the one we deserve too.
being able to hold them in you're hand, and the suspense of listening to the artist you enjoy. instant gratification has spoiled me.
Three things:
-Its amazing how much better this show in its second season than its first.
-Is no one going to talk about that opening scene? What other series could have that sequence of events? (what visuals!)
- Watch Mike Miller go to Tucson only to see phil's 'moved to tampa' sign.
Maybe its just me, but I stopped caring about Vikings once Athelstan was killed off.
I've never watched this show, but it must have been pretty unpopular to get canceled by amazon.
"Mom! I think this house is haunted! Theres an old man speaking crazy in my room!
Random thought here, but I always thought Joel McHale would have made a great host for the ate late show after Craig Ferguson left.
Sure, sure everyone complains about how bland this trailer is, but once they set the next trailer to Bohemian Rhapsody we'll see who has the last laugh.
or Selfie. *snicker*
Arf Arf
someone on tumblr pointed this out, but the 10th film should really be titled:
Fast10 your seat belts.
Why he's a regular A.V. Club commenter!
I don't know why, but the fact that Hater was so willing to let Wander rock out with him, almost makes up for the pointlessness of this episode. I mean look at the picture! They look so happy!
You know is actually kind of funny, when the first movie came out pretty much everyone universally agreed that it was better than the book, but that didn't stop everyone from still putting it on 'the years worst list'. The book sequels are regarded as being much, much, worse. It makes me think we are heading for…
Our years of scientific research have finally paid off!
I for one won't be happy until 'God Cop' is finally a thing.