HPK: finality

After Ghost stories, Coldplay could use a little bit more energy.

No kidding, I just emailed Jeb what he thought about Coldplay, just on the off chance that he might respond.

At least their was no Fozzie side story this week.

He's staring right at us guys!

I can't belvee you kids don't know about the great patriot Ollie North!



Dan Harmon is one fat narwhal.

I tried watching it, but gave up after it took so long to stream.

All I remember about other space is that it had a incredibly slim shoestring budget.

Quizznos is better… if you can find one.

How's the ratings doing? On wikipedia the ratings are sitting at around a 2.75. Is that enough to guarantee a renewal?

The A.V. Club

The writers just aren't talented enough.

Demi Lovato's Jwoww cosplay could use some work.

I can remember listening to 'Cool For The Summer' and bursting out laughing, due to Demi's forced edginess. If I ever heard anyone try so hard to sound like Miley Cyrus it was her.

I think he is supposed to be RL Stine in his heyday when the books were popular. Thats still not a good excuse though.

The stupid thing is that before that show premiered I thought it was going to be a spin off of 'House'.

I would watch the show that has 1 human being and 4 Scooby Doos.

"Thats weird. The blood usually gets off at the third floor."