HPK: finality

Pretty okay? Heck, it was REALLY okay!

I wasn't talking about Nurse Poundcake (although the same point still applies).

Host: Did you two just have sex in that box?
Contestant: Yes.
Host: Well there you have it!

Teen Titans Go! has really grown on me, I haven't seen a CN show this darkly nonsensical since the 'Grim Adventures of Billy And Mandy' went off the air.

Personally, I thought this episode was absolutely dismal. An Incredibly boring romp from start to finish. Just because AT can make an episode based on any character doesn't mean they should. This series has aged incredibly fast, and while I'm not ready to see it go off the air, I wouldn't hurt to see it take a year

It's great to think this show's still rocking it 10 years after it first aired.

At this point the 'Esquire Network' will do what ever it takes to keep that show afloat.

A perfect metaphor.

Does AV Club have a vendetta against this show?

I love what you hate! And hate what you love!

Birdman won for best picture, by that logic it doesn't deserve to be remembered.

Subtlety, doesn't exist on this show.

Oh my gosh guys! Glee is so edgy!
I loathe this show with every fibre of my being.

With 'Two And A Half Men' now dead, this is the worst show on CBS.

So apparently tonights episode of Gotham is supposed to introduce The Joker…
Nah, I'm still not watching it.

I've been imagining an 'American Blackadder' for a loooong time.
Heres how I figure it would go:
season 1: mayflower
season 2: revolutionary war
season 3: gold rush
season 4: civil war
season 5: great depression
season 6: Vietnam

But, can't go dome. = (

when I first saw this title I thought it said 'Age Of Adrenaline' I got pretty excited because that sounds like thee coolest name an action movie could have, now that I've read the title however i must admit I'm a bit disappointed.

He was in 'Lenard part 6' for goodness sake!

I really should start watching this show.