HPK: finality

Halo and goodbye!

Kevin Hart is Ann Rand?

They get everything.

no no no, its 'Night At Th3 Mu3s3um'

its also Mickey Rooney's second to last role as well.

Can you even imagine a world of Dan Harmons? They would probably just play D&D all day…

Oh, i think it is.

aw fuck.

Season nine wasn't that bad. But yes, season eight really sucked, and I like to pretend it didn't exist.

While I respect anyone who tries to make rap work i do think its been on a steady decline since the age of sampling died out.

what happened to you 'Modern Family'? You used to be cool.

here's Chevy!

poor, poor, regular show.

and I bet Regular Show isn't even on the list.

Can't you just highlight the best parts, and give it to me before class?

We his wisdoms now more than ever.

I genuinely want to see him succeed.

…Or half our cast members

Harley Quinn?

what i loved about that is that no one complained.