
I used to have a 7.1 system driven by a Yamaha RX series receiver with some B&W mains and cheap Yamaha surrounds. Had kids and moved to a smaller house, didn’t want to deal with the hassle. Sold that gear and got the YAS-203BL. Love it. Sound is good enough and it’s clean and easy. Might upgrade to a model that

I used to have a 7.1 system driven by a Yamaha RX series receiver with some B&W mains and cheap Yamaha surrounds.

There is such a thing as too big. For me it is anything that won’t fit through my front door.

At my job you come in at 7 if you’re committed to the culture and 9 if you’re a gambler. You leave after 6 if you’re a team player, and around 4 if you’re a gambler. Simple concept.

Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can’t say
People just liked it better that way

I agree with your point about neighborhoods. Thrift shops in more affluent areas have higher quality items. However, they also tend to have higher operating costs which drives up prices. Of course I’m assuming- I don’t do the accounting for any of them.

*sigh* All the ceiling tiles in my office are white. Probably because of racism. All of our telephone numbers have U.S. area codes. Probably because we’re nationalists. Most people in the office aren’t LGBT. Probably because we have a deep and burning hatred for anyone that is different.

Finding offense in an innocuous statement is an art form. You’d know that if you were woke.

I came to say throw stones at the product and say something nice about Anova.

I came to say throw stones at the product and say something nice about Anova.

Abstinence is the only safe turkey frying method.

Abstinence is the only safe turkey frying method.

Mine too - the rice at Chipotle is edible because “it’s just a little bit spicy.”

“Figure generous tips into the cost of your meal. If you think generous tipping is too expensive, you can’t afford to eat there. If you want to be beloved by your waitstaff and treated like royalty, tip generously. Each and every time.”

Wha?!?! I gotta write ta bear arms! Says so indda cons’tution! If dem libs take guns home dats there write to.

How about something for the coworker that constantly sends stuff like this even though she’s been informed of the TAT for the work? If I say it won’t be ready until July please don’t send me two emails a week for the months of May and June asking about the project.

Tell my wife how to find her cat a new home and you’ve got a fan for life. This, this is drivel - who would get rid of a dog?

I have a similar model - the wake up portion is OK. However, I love the fade to sleep ‘sunset’ mode. Turn it on for 20 minutes every night.

I have a similar model - the wake up portion is OK. However, I love the fade to sleep ‘sunset’ mode. Turn it on for

Don’t do it! YMMV - As a straight person it would have made things awkward.

Hario - runs on the energy gleaned from tubers, nuts, vegetables and fruit.

Hario - runs on the energy gleaned from tubers, nuts, vegetables and fruit.

If you’re a low-income college student?