
You mean like how he took out all the villains in the opening? No talking. Red blur with lighting. Bad guys, all gone.

Oh, crap.
I just realized where the writers are going with Wally and Jesse becoming a couple.
They're being Wonder Twined. They're going to need to touch to activate the Speedforce.

The writers should have had Laurel say, "It's not really true, but you didn't know that either."
Same result, problem solved.

This episode was already done by the time that was announced.
Of course, that doesn't mean the writers can't use that reason for next season.

They don't need to off Snow.
She and Zoom can get unstuck in time. LoT can go after them. Save that show.
Henry and Jesse can do Snow's job. Plus, Henry can ask science questions without seeming like he was hit with a frying pan to the head.

Hanging out?
Dealing with Lapis' PTSD, post rape.
Peridot jealous of the attention Lapis will get.
Just a fun day at Beach City.

1. The Time Masters could have also told Rip gather a team to go after Savage and still manipulated them.

But, this time Mick will be the developed one trying to help Snart along.

Time Masters control time. They can't influence Thanagar to never develop life? Or anything else? All of time. Even this show's best episode is the worst.

I don't disagree.
And, if the blood put into Daisy is still good, why can't Hive use his Kree-transfused blood?

The cure will be placed into the Hive space bomb.

The Kree blood she has is the Kree blood she has. She isn't generating it.

"Sit the eff down, sit, son."

And, true Barry fans wanted Barry to stay dead anyway. He sacrificed himself saving the multiverse, bringing him back just threw that away as well.

"Be useful with those eyes. Give us a light."

If only it could hold ratings.

In her defense, I think they cut some of her lines.
"This is the morgue?! This is the kitchen! Cisco, what the fuck? I make grilled cheese sandwiches down here."

So, does Catlin die or just get trapped on a different earth? Or does Zoom escape with her and they need to track her down?
They should get her and Zoom unstuck in time and send LoT after them. Unstick some villains at random spots on the timeline, too. Actually, not just unstuck in time, universes, too. Modify the

No. That's when Snow died.
The show put a big lampshade that Henry can do her job.
Also, since he doesn't have as many advanced degrees and hasn't been around all the weird, he can ask the dumb questions and not seem completely out of character.
Jesse can pick up any science slack, as required.

Iris also missed a good line of disgust, "You use the kitchen also as a morgue?"