
But, was he a barista?

Will it be better or worse when the writers reveal Chronos is Savage?

Have Savage kill Chronos and steal his ship.
Then chase Savage through time, undoing everything he's done the first time or the second time.

We don't truly know that there is a CoL. We also don't know that people live forever there. All we know is that Jaha has seen the city and two dead people in it. It could all just be visions placed in the user's mind.

I think she didn't know Finn, but is smart enough to play along.
This may actually start her looking into the implants on her own.
Raven is the greatest tech we know of alive on the planet, this doesn't get fixed without her somehow involved.

Skaikru know what the world was like pre-apocalypse. At the least, they know what soccer was like.

It's based on simplified common English.
Do you frequently say that you live in a polis?

Only if you consider codine to be possession.

Abby doesn't understand tech. She had to have Raven dumb down stuff for her before. I don't remember if it involved the dropship or radios or both.
But, I agree, she'll get there.

Otan's was hard to tell, but yes, the giant's blood wasn't black.

Because, Trigedasleng is based on Greek?

The reason will most likely be the other 12 found out that the Polaris Corporation created ALIE. They then destroy the Polaris station even though Becca had been working on a way to stop ALIE before the war started.

Her creator didn't like her.
Like most of the characters on this show, ALIE has issues with her "parents."

They might have had a lot of miscarriages/sterilization issues from radiation.
So, have as many as you you can manage.

The description did not mention the CoL in any way.
It didn't mention a shared consciousness or an uploading of that consciousness. It doesn't mention method or range of communication either.

Because, it wasn't called Paris, or Poris, or anything else. It was called Polis in a show that works on its "mysteries." Having it be Polis near a 'polis is bad writing in the middle of good.
It's a minor blemish that stands out large because of the reveal.

I agree with everything you've said, except for the Polis bait and switch. The name is the problem. If Annapolis wasn't right there, it wouldn't be.

Perhaps, we will find that "the key" can be transferred through blood.

Nightblood is made up of nanobots, or somesuch, and transfers information from Commander to Commander. This is most likely through blood. ("Blood will have blood," has new meaning.) Did Lexa give Roan her blood to give to whats-her-name as a data transfer?

Arkadia is within the lands of Lexa, but Arkadia isn't recognizing it.