
Zoom is Jay's Reverse Flash. However, instead of an Eobard Thawne, Zoom is Jay. Speedsters can travel through time. There can be multiple Jays/Zooms/Zolomons. Jay is the Earth 2 Flash. Later, in his timeline he turns bad and becomes Zoom. Zoom then goes back in time to fight Jay. Zoom now has the problem

Yes, D-Listers, all.

I wouldn't worry about that. It would add too much to the show's budget.

Those radios were working through the repeater Monty had tied into the Mt. Weather communication systems.

Or it just took the pain away and is now causing more damage because Raven can't tell that it hurts.

Welcome to WWII. We had cracked the encryption the Nazis were using and had access to all of their communications. We knew when and where they were going to bomb cities. And, we let them. Doing anything else would have made it obvious that we had broken their encryption.

Yes, we know why she did it.
However, what we, the audience, know and what the Arkadians know are not the same. What the Arkadians saw was Clarke, who was in prison on the Ark for treason, kill a fellow Arker.

They pillaged Mount Winter.
I don't have a problem with them having all the guns and ammo now. I still don't understand how and why they had them on space stations. Space stations don't like holes. Also, how Ark security was so well trained for open ground combat before they landed.

You mean that collaborator Clarke, who, on behalf of the Grounders, killed an Arker in front of all Arkadia?

The man in the mask is Eobard Thawne.

Yeah, it probably is just Trigeda Slang, but I still like it.

Try get along.

Everyone who was cast specifically for this show, Kendra, Carter, Rip and Savage.

Yes, they did.
People geekier than I have noticed a subway sign placing it at Linthicum Heights, MD. So, not Annapolis.

I thought he was going the inside guy route, too.
It can still be pulled off, by saying that when Bellamy started the Pike chant he didn't expect the Arkers to be so stupid as to actually make him chancellor.

Not now, but it could by 2052.

I'd venture a guess that Polis is Annapolis, Maryland.

The warrior Grounders know English, because they were fighting the Mountain Men who spoke English. They speak the other language for a similar reason, so Mountain Men wouldn't understand them.

Actually, not showing the City of Lights arc is good. This way the audience will be just as shocked as the show's characters when it's revealed how large the number of followers of Lightkru has become. Welcome to the Crusades.

Nice little plan Lexa and Roan came up with.
That was well done.