Gwen knows more.
Gwen knows more.
Add his speed up the building to her speed down.
It happened really fast.
You'd need to be the fastest man alive to have stopped it.
I'll just move this here.
Yeah. Or even rubbing his hands together (or over the ice) at speed to generate heat.
I see what you did there.
Maybe they're trying to get around paying royalties, and are claiming it's a transformative parody.
No. I mean just his moving at supersonic speeds creates a lot of heat. All the air in front of him would get compressed; compressed air gets hot. Think spacecraft re-entry.
I've always wanted one.
At the speeds Barry moves he would be subjected to temperatures hotter than a bullet.
I forgot about that.
She'd be perfect.
Snart froze the electronics in the system.
Before that happened, the moisture in the air around the laser beams froze.
Flash writers, you're welcome.
Dear Flash,
The next time you catch Iris falling out a building, please do it by grabbing her in the direction she's already moving and then decelerating her slowly. Humans are fragile. Adding your speed running up the side of a building to her 100mph falling and then coming to a sudden stop is a bad thing.
A bullet has virtually no momentum to a speedster. Momentum is the mass of an object times its velocity. Velocity is change of position based on a frame of reference. From Flash's frame of reference, that position ain't changing much.
A man with total control of the motion of the atoms of his body (the definition of temperature) needs thermal underwear.
I want Lash to be some little kid.
Some little kid that someone needs to kill to stop Lash.
Yeah, but four of those white characters aren't mericans, so they don't count.
Actually, Daisy put big ass Mack in the hospital.
Different Earths (and the people/things from them) vibrate at different frequencies.
Cisco can feel the different vibes.
"He's not sand."