
Connie put back down the juice box of healing backwash.
She's prepared to die.

Unless, they're doing more Legends spin-off stuff, and Rory Hunter and his TARDISphere will have something to do with it.

Well, May's locker is #33.

She's not a hero, she's an agent.

You're thinking of Wally West, Kid Flash, who took the Flash name after Barry Allen died in the Crisis.

Leaves you cold?

Flash and Reverse Flash use the Accelerator to go back and fight at Barry's house. Mom is saved. Dad is free. Original Wells and his wife live. Eddie is Reverse Flash, due to shenanigans when Eobard Wells had him in the basement. Barry, and all metahumans, keep powers, because timey wimey properties of the Accelerator.

I must have missed that.
I'm glad, this show has enough stupid, not using future computer would be too much.

A question:

JWS in a padded Flash suit would look ridiculous. That would never happen.

Because, they cost ~$500, not including the gas, aren't sterile without disposable nozzles that cost as much as a syringe, and they hurt like hell?

Hub City is East St Louis, Illinois.

East St Louis, Illinois.

Until it does.
LOL has traveled. Cool, has traveled. Hot, traveled. Schmuck.
It's language. It travels.

It's the Charlie forgives you tie.

Just a guess, the final episode is Charlie/old media's funeral. Everyone will reminisce about the influence on their lives and how life will totally suck with out him/it. Subtle.