Fist of the Pon Farr


I watch that because Scott Bakula and Quantum Leap.

Yes, too soon, you asshats. You are not SNL. You are Marines tasked with defending the people of our country. You don’t get to try (and completely fail) to be ironic or sarcastic on social media.

Fucking hell.

Who wants to place bets on how long it is before we get a similarly-ploted episode of NCIS?

Dads are seen as being responsible, while moms are perceived as distracted.

In a blog post, he blamed the attack on ISIS. “Of course there has been a knee-jerk call for more gun control. (The New York Daily News’ headline the day after the shooting was “THANKS, NRA”). Some gay-rights activists are blaming the “Christian Right.” Planned Parenthood blames “toxic masculinity” (whatever that


And australopithecines.

This is disrespectful to chimpanzees.

In the amount of time it would take that mother to discard her children and prepare herself to fire back at anyone, she would likely already be shot.

I had a conversation in real life with a conservative gun-lover yesterday. As soon as he started talking about gun rights and the Second Amendment, I told him we probably shouldn’t continue the discussion, since I am all for gun control. He skipped a beat but kept going. Turns out that while he is gung-ho for guns, he

So right-wing nutjobs are now referring to Fox News correspondents as “the liberal media?” We’re through the looking glass here, people.


All boys are men and all women are girls, so sayeth the Cruz.

The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.

Because there were some straight people there, and these fucking idiots don’t realize that straight people sometimes go to gay clubs. It’s not like there’s a note on the back where they put your vision (or whatever) restrictions on your drivers license that says “MEMBER OF THE GAY CLUB” that clubs flip over to see if

I am just going to use this on posts about Trump from now on: