Fist of the Pon Farr

this is literally the only time I’m gonna be able to use this:

Ted Cruz is pro-small government and pro-business unless you’re selling something icky that touches a female’s no-no space.

you know what porn category features sex toys the most?

An OBVIOUS case of *self-hatred*.

Can we start sending his campaign dildos now?

He can keep his meaningless apologies. The last time obviously meant jack... I mean if he can’t keep quiet in the face of someone saying mean things about his wife, how can he expect people who’s lives were destroyed by his policies to ‘hush’.

“...produced by Luke and written by Meghan Trainor...”

I ask anyone who reads this to continue and shower every day. Specially if you take public transportation or sit in a cubicle farm.

“I’ve been proven not guilty.”*

“Yankees are a bunch of douchebags” - sing it to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song..it’s fun!

Being ensconced in a protective shell is a perfect metaphor for the Yankees’ premium ticket policies.

Charlize. If you were unattractive nobody would even know your name. You would have been selected for approximately zero movie roles.

Good news, Charlize! It’s called aging, and when it starts to happen you will find that Hollywood won’t be looking at you as just a pretty face anymore. In fact, they may stop looking at you at all. Imagine that!

Is Charlize beloved? I thought it was pretty well established fact that she’s an asshole (and this story seems to bolster that theory)...

This statement is just bizarre. I’m from GA and I have an aunt who was abused for years by her shithead of a husband and know several others very close to me that have experienced abuse. Not that it needs to be said but damn he’s fucking stupid.

More data to defend “southern homes”.......keep in mind, Florida did not report...one can only imagine.

just something that’s nonexistent in most southern homes.

*knock wood* Hopefully she would because I don’t think she’s uses as many high-risk maneuvers in the ring.

If Bayley loses to Asuka tonight, it’s going to be both the saddest *and* happiest moment. Because I think everybody watching in Dallas (and at home) will start to realize this could be “it” and come Sunday/Monday she will be debuting on the main roster.

They’re apparently also going to kill the ‘Diva’s Title’ and going back to ‘Women’s Championship’. There’s supposedly a new belt that’s a white version of the WWE Heavyweight Championship, complete with side plates.

Smart move, honestly. The women’s division is going to be stacked with talent over the next couple of