Fist of the Pon Farr

Well, technically you can murder someone in less than 30 seconds, if you’re quick enough. There’s a reason why sentencing isn’t based on the duration of the offense (unless, maybe, we’re talking about torture).

I’m not fond of insects or arachnids, but reptiles are awesome. Especially snakes. Snakes are great. Those dancing spiders who play bongos and wield lightsabers are pretty adorable, though.

Oh, I have no doubt he’s anti-union. Former wrestlers like Taz have backed this up on their podcasts. It was more of a rhetorical question, like why doesn’t SAG-AFTRA step up?

Pro wrestlers (or “Superstars”, whatever) are actors. They have scripted lines they have to recite, and WWE programs are stunt-based soap operas. They’ve even started putting up disclaimers on the network about how the characters are fictitious, etc. How are they not covered by SAG?

They are, in the South. When I worked at Target and Old Navy in Georgia and Florida, it was fairly common to see women taking their sons into the women’s bathroom, and just as common at we’d get complaints about it and not really be able to do anything. And we’re not talking toddlers. Up to 11 and 12.

Can’t stand the smell. Instant headache and sinus problems. So, no thank you.

I was a little surprised that WWE didn’t ban it after the Benoit incident.

Trump, dude.

Best listen to Old Man Steve.

I stopped watching WWE ages ago - and then they signed AJ. That’ll get my attention. Even if they’re only letting him do, like, 10% of his move set.

We have nearly that exact same plate in Florida - it’s one of about 105 you can pick from.

Holm behaves professionally, instead of like a pro wrestling heel. It just doesn’t generate as much interest in casual fans.

“Out on [his/her/my] feet” is a pretty common phrase in combat sports.

And free IDs, with easily-accessible locations to get them.

I remember being surprised when she showed up as Jason’s mom on Smallville Season 4, mostly because I didn’t think she was still working. That was the last time I really thought about her.

I know some older people in the South who don’t understand the difference in phrasing between “People of Color” and “colored people” - the latter generally being a pejorative from around the time of segregation. Like, “White Only” and “Colored Only” signs at water fountains and such. Trying to keep said older folks

A classic:

This could be fun. There aren’t really any detective shows on network TV right now, anyway - everything is “magic science”. It used to be that you met all the characters of the episode at the beginning, watched them interact, and figured out who did it through actual clues and sleuthing. Now, it’s just finding which