Yeah, it is.
Meh, at least he's a real doctor, unlike Nye.
Stfu..Most women think this is all B.S. Stop assuming that all females agree with that. It makes us seem weak.
If you have to ask, it's not for you.
These “services” sound eerily like how many cults begin. Charismatic, popular, talented & attractive leader.✓ A platform to spread his messages from.✓ Many young people are involved.✓ Services are secretive.✓ Costs a ton of money for merchandise or materials or entry.✓ Jones Town, West World, whatever. Just rap Ye.
This is a terrible piece of, random words. I can’t even call it an article. Throwing the word racist in with Southern for no reason but your own ignorance. In addition, it is insulting to the cast, crew & the Gaines’. They work very hard to do their style & build safe structures for people. This is garbage. I should…
Isn’t she from “The Trailer Park Boys”?
She could mind her own business. Don’t work with him if you don't like him. She’s B-list at best.
Im white with tattoos and a Southern accent. This happens to me every month.
Very well. With lots of money & education.
I have been watching since episode 1 & will finish the show. I am still connected to the characters & will not allow former fans to influence my opinions.
That is the most uninformed, hateful, racist idiocy I have read so far on the Internet today. May God have mercy on your soul.