What a dipshit. Wear a full undershirt if you’re going to soak your white dress shirt on camera.
What a dipshit. Wear a full undershirt if you’re going to soak your white dress shirt on camera.
(bka “Tripod”)
“Paid for by the committee to elect this fuckin guy or Steve O”
How dare you omit the most important fact about this man?
Uhh...LeBron doesn’t do a lot of public trashing of his teammates or his coaches. You’re entitled to whatever opinion you’ve got of LeBron, but he doesn’t flop at the rate of most of the other scoring-leader-level offensive centerpieces in the NBA, and he doesn’t yell at his coaches. He does exert enormous influence…
Since when are there three major men’s college sports? In terms of popularity/revenue/attendance/viewership, it’s basketball and football and then nothing else in shouting distance. Baseball is actually the *least* profitable college sport at -700k average profit.
What the fuck is this circus dimension, and how do I get out of it immediately.
You lost me when you said Basketball was ranked 4th for you out of the 4 major sports.
I don’t think you’ve paid attention to who James has become as he’s grown up. As far as any of us can tell, he’s not the person you seem to think he is, on or off the court.
Look, we can’t be certain that German doesn’t get Messi and Aguero.
I think we should all evaluate others based on their interactions in elementary school. It is the only real assessment of someone’s character.
“He .... has been wearing a soft cast.”
“It’s not over yet. We still have a chance to come back and win it all.”
Why doesn’t Biff use all his money to open up a gaudy casino instead?
Rovell Daily Times’s slogan is “Self-Owned and Self-Owning.”
“Sometimes breaking old practice habits of these players, especially rookies, takes more repetitions.”
I won’t be satisfied until the team agrees to do this nevermore.
To be fair, this whole incident escalated due to a few missed periods.
That whole obit is a Minnesota euphemism for “she was a feckless cunt”.
Emmitt Smith: So that’s why they call it an “oldbitchuary.”