
MLS will keep bringing in these guys for as long as they continue to sell tickets. More players are starting to come through MLS academies and forging their place in the league, and as Normcore said above, they’re recruiting heavily from South and Central America and getting some decent players out of it.

I mean, MLS teams are actually developing talent at home (and also bringing in a shit ton of young South and Central American talent). The aging Euros might not do much on the field, but they do attract the hot takers.

It’s incredibly disappointing to see a team with so much potential come up short year-after-year for two years.

If you have all the draft picks, the other teams will eventually grow old and die. You have to think long-term, sheeple.

This is what journalists should be doing. Calling to task the corrupt and questionable officials in our gov’t. It is a shame it took this long for it to be as mainstream, but this is hardly a “hit job” as much as the media actually shining a light on the cronyism and corruption in DC.

Look, if you really want to drain the swamp, sometimes you have to give a prominent cabinet role to the wife of the Senate Majority Leader and let her exploit the office for her own personal gain.

Yet despite becoming the first Asian-American woman to serve in a president’s cabinet (as Labor Secretary under Bush), Chao has worked her entire career to push a conservative agenda that cripples the welfare of low-wage, immigrant workers.

Cocaine Elaine. Jesus, come on.

Why do NHL fans do this? Why do you come in to an NBA article to espouse the virtue of your sport? Do people do this on NHL articles in the other direction?

I’m sorry, I don’t know what that is.

The Champions League only has the final match left, so I guess that still sorta counts.

I, too, have been successfully marketed to.

You’re right!

Sadly, there isn’t.

You don’t have to be American to be a real American hero.

Is that the good Hodgkins or the bad Hodgkins? - Larry David

So if the kid didn’t really have Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, that means he has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.. which is way worse

Yeah, I feel like meeting the Syracuse football team would require fake asthma at best.

Around the basketball team has not historically been the safest place for young boys. Where is Bernie Fine these days?

I mean, at least meet the SU basketball team instead if you’re going to go all in like that.