
Speaking as a Boston fan, this was a super egregious blown call and the Bucks have every right to be bitchy about it. I don’t think they’d have won anyway, but that’s not really the point.

It’s what assholes call green beans.

haricot verts are green beans.

I’m guessing the money made stripping helped pay for that car.

There’s a 23% service charge on there do u really expect him to lay down 15% on top of that?

“How does your son feel about the benching last year?”

“Wait he looks familiar, is he a Green Bay Packer? Okay nevermind gonna go roll more silverware.”

That’s an awfully slow response time by Milwaukee police.

You ever wonder how many of these things these people write per week? Deadspin can’t be the only place on the internet that triggers them. Do interns at the local newspaper website do a daily gathering to read the latest typo-laden missive and laugh? How many hours per week are actually spent typing these rants out?

I bet when him and the boys were sitting at the bar, talking politics, ol’ M.P. always chimed in, telling everyone to respect Obama.

I am a 71 year old grandmother of four who drives a red Corvette convertible with a big ass engine.

Jesus Christ. What the hell is wrong with people that they feel the need to write such angry letters to people they don’t know. Can’t they just leave comments on the internet like the rest of us?

When Barack Obama was our President and I didn’t agree with him in many many issues I still supported or President and our country!!

The moral of the story is that being a Wizards fan is an exercise in self owning.

Samer, that dude’s at Tufts

Go ahead and laugh but that guy now has a 6 picture deal with Blumhouse.

Does anybody else replace the Killers song Mr. Brightside with Hassan Whiteside?

Just because you know you’re not going to die doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable...

1) Take a nap 2) Examine your life because you’re extremely lame

Shit man, I missed that part. BTW, Bulls fan here, so I am acutely aware of the Thibodeau effect.
Here is my luke-warm take: Thibs is a great assistant coach and a dogshit headcoach.