
I see one idiot gun owner right now. Gun laws apparently don’t apply to you. How many other “responsible” owners think they’re above the law, too? That’s a lot of armed idiots. Please prove how your non-military and non-police training makes you in any way qualified to handle a shooter armed with an semi-automatic

Sociopaths can’t care. Won’t bother him at all.

Goddamn, how many retrials will this take?

So, you break the law because you assume you’re some sort of commando. ok, then.

Or about gun control AND mental health reform? Maybe you could get on that. Or better yet, you go try to video an active shooter.

Or maybe all you “responsible gun owners” could support sensible laws - like closing the secondary seller loop hope that lets people like that gain access. But no. Just keep being ass while the body count goes up.

And your entire comment wasn’t necessary. Now, run along.

Ooooh, aren’t you a little badass?


Rich, white women apparently aren’t allowed to have any problems.

Brady is lives in Deep Blue country. His vote didn’t matter in MA.

Yes, I do. But I’m going to save my Moral Outrage at Bad Casting for the next white guy who plays a Native American.

Nope, not smarter than everyone. Only 99.3% of the population.

It’s a casting call. They’re specific on purpose. The Rockettes will not hire anyone under 5'6". Period. End of discussion. It’s in all their calls. I’m 5'3". I don’t want to waste my time or theirs.

Perhaps. But in western society motherhood is held up as the end all be all for women.

Huh. It’s usually below the equator where issues pop up.

Is that Nadia from Bitchin’ Kitchen?

Same goes for having kids.

He’d better be keeping his bits clean shaven then.

I appreciate that she said it. I don’t feel brave, I simply had to make a choice. I have PCOS - getting pregnant would be difficult and I don’t anticipate getting married and I knew that being a single parent wouldn’t work for me. I also knew that I could not handle a special needs child (yes, that might make a