
Maggie isn't just the greatest creation in modern comics. I go so far as to call her the greatest character in post-WWII American fiction.

Erica as Clarice Starling? That is a genius idea.

The thing with the ice cream was too subtle for you? What if they had given her a tiara and a sash reading "New Queen Bee of the Prison Gang?" Would it have made sense then what was happening?

Don't be such a self-satisfied, contrarian prig. This was a powerful and affecting episode. The characters' behavior was consistent with how they have been portrayed. The scene with Lizzie standing over poor Mika's dead body was breathtaking and heartbreaking. Tyreese's forgiveness of Carol's actions at the prison was

I don't really care who the killer is. But the question the series must answer before it's over is, "What was Marty doing with all those tampons?"

You mean, "Theon is getting castrated."

And, why couldn't the marshals in the hotel room call for backup from the guys in the lobby who let them know those creepy militia nuts were on their way upstairs?