
Since this is was reported on Fox News I can only imagine that this is a lie. This did not happen, even if it did happen, once it is reported on Foux News it turns into a lie.

I'd be down for a Samsung based lap top. They make quality stuff. And if they finally have a dedicated infrastructure to make quality lap tops them im all for it.

Not going to lie, I bought the touch pad for my 50 year old parents at $100. They have never used the internet before in their life but want to learn how. And I want to skype with them, but turning on a pc then signing into skype is impossible for them. But on this thing they just have to touch icon and boon. same

I barely finished Red Dead Redemption, and Dragon Age II and I bought them both at launch. I loved them and thought they were great games, but...I do have a life so it took me 10 months.

Alice is more of a throwback to games from the late 90's. As if Mr. McGee had put his original design document in cold storage, and 10 years later made the game we was going to make in 2000. Its not bad, but it still is interesting, entertaining, and imaginative, mixed with the feverish dreams of a man who did not

Its not necessarily a bad thing. I've been playing Ocarina of time in 3D and 2D. 3D for the cinematic and 2D for actual game play. Works great for me.

Why is it that Jill is always the worst dressed of all of the Resident Evil Series. And that's no easy task considering RE isn't known for being easy to look at. She looks like some coked up street walker...which might explain why the zombies want to munch on her and all.

Like I said, bad movies these days.

Yeah but to be fair it did suck balls.

Actually there have been a string of good comments and arguments lately. You should check out the article about Dragon Age II they posted earlier today. It's full of both chunks of coal and diamonds.

So are the movies that come out these days.

Small correction, "Would Joss Whedon's Dollhouse have been a bigger hit if it had been another station other than FOX."

Once again, the government telling us what we can and cant to. Damn commies.

Yes but will there be Tea Bagging involved?


Who knew that they trained astronauts to be such great cinematographers.

Leave my wall out of this! It did nothing to you!!!

It looks a lot like Machinima to me.

@Wainut: Consider my mind blown.