
ahhh it burns my eyes!!! The 360 version I mean.

A whole year of the Hype Machine...goodness....this wont end well.

"Hispanic"?...Damn Regan, you still plague us!!! *Shakes fist at the sky*

At least its FREE!!! Well I mean you are paying for the service so at least you aren't paying for it TWICE! :D

@Solstatic: Dont give her any ideas, she will do it.

ouch...thats expensive considering all your getting is a load of crap.

You get what you pay for. And Id rather deal with the Playstation and Wii interface as well as some lag if it means I dont have to shell out for Xbox Live any more just so I could watch some Nextflix on my tv.

Take Leliana on a date and spend the whole night listening to her blab on about the maker, before dropping her off at her tent and going home with the worst case of blueballs...that is until you run across Zevran.

@rayne117: ha apparently stupidity is contagious, from you! Look up the definition of Irony.

As a mindless CoD MW2 fan I cant help but love the fact that they have such an outrageous price for some lame maps. Ill gladly pay and am eager to be taken advantage of.

Josh Atkins!!! Whooo, nice to see a fellow SLUG in such a high place.

Stories like this make me seriously consider piracy...lucky for Ubisoft im to lazy to do that...well not really I dont by Ubi Games any way ha.

@Karlott: She already had a voice actress...Jenifer Hale, one of the greatest voice actresses in history.

The Passing: "Silent But Deadly"

If he isnt shirtless then im not watching it.

Make a game longer? Sounds like a good idea. I already don't buy games that are less than 15 hours. If they are going to do this Disk Plus downloadable content thing I doubt I'll be playing as many games in the future. Dantes Inferno might be fun but it sure as hell won't be worth the $60 + $15 + god knows

@battra92: Limbaugh wouldn't find it tasteless...well he wouldn't be able to taste anything, im sure all those nights of popping pills must have caused severe brain damage.

First she calls Gwen a no talent cheerleader and now she expects to team up with her? Yes Mizz Love, if that is your real name, people in the music industry do SLEEZY THINGS.