Don’t you understand? He had a gun*! And a police uniform**, and a radio***, and a taser****, and a regular, you know, police uniform holster*****. This one is so beyond anything that I don’t even feel like screaming. It’s just too fucking much.
Don’t you understand? He had a gun*! And a police uniform**, and a radio***, and a taser****, and a regular, you know, police uniform holster*****. This one is so beyond anything that I don’t even feel like screaming. It’s just too fucking much.
There is just so much to unpack here, and soooo many questions. At the Blue Lives Matter people going to chime in? Since the cop was black, does he qualify for Black Lives Matter? Will both groups be on the same page? Are all cops going to suddenly understand what it’s like to be a black man with a gun drawn on them…
I guess the criminalization of blackness is now complete; and every black male is a criminal, every white man a saint.
Whitesplain that bullshit! Go on, I’ll wait...
I’ll say it again: want to see gun reform? Have all POC exercise their 2nd amendment rights.
I ... I mean what the actual fuck?!
Between her, the Huckabee Sanders and real live goblin Stephen Miller, I’m starting to realize there are worse things than being mistaken for my early 20s at almost 33.
Fucking up money is a bigger crime than fucking up
someone’s lifesome black folks’ lives in Alabama.
White privilege is a helluva get out of taking responsibility for your fuckshit card.
36? Damn she looks like she’s been dragged 10 miles face first down a corduroy road
If nothing else, she’s made me confident that I’m aging better than I thought.
I’m turning 43 in June and same.
The woman is a professional liar. She’s at least 50.
I’m turning 40 in a few weeks, and I’ve been dreading getting old. Seeing what crooked, ex-con, Alabama 36 looks like makes me feel a lot better.
You can barely get a job in retail after you’ve done stuff like credit card fraud. How the hell is she working in drug testing?
Murrah, who, despite all appearances to the contrary, I cannot stress enough—is only 36 years old.
What’s the chances she lied about her age also?