
It would be so easy to rob someone using a VR headset in a subway car that I would never do it

I’m aware how painstakingly hard and expensive is to animate. But as an animation fan myself, it’s pretty hard not to notice how this was restricted by it’s budget, not by the talent of the animators.

at the end, I think this kind of stories would benefit greatly form a boost in animation resources. As it is today, it creates a really weird dissonance between what Im seeing vs what the story and its development are offering.

Im very aware of that. It’s just a tad sad, considering how good it could be. The fact is, with less serious, more cartoony stories and characters this wouldn’t be that big of an issue, but the constraints exponentially increase the awareness of limitation with this kind of material

I wish Warner allocated more budget to animation. The premise works, but the animation looks so cheap sometimes that really turns off the watching experience :/

As long as they don’t kill local LAN, I don’t really mind


I thought of that. Probably what happened anyways, but it still remains a well educated opinion on the matter. I would have expected from a 10 year old to dismiss the game because they just want to showoff playing “mature” games and not really get to talk about gameplay specifics and such

I’m not american, so I can’t talk for the children over there. But overall, there’s a lot of people well over their 20s that can’t make comments half the insightful this girl can.

That’s the most eloquent 10 year-old I’ve ever seen

Scott Pilgrim could have ben fun. But as I was watching it, it became a chore since minute 1 because how unlikeable every character was. Just can´t stand it >.<

I don’t get why he just didn’t release the game as a different IP. Also, why someone would buy the trademark and do nothing with it for so long?

I think the Bacardi would actually hurt the sales price

I think this one works better

Too easy, I guess. But couldn´t stop trying

I immediately exit’d the game and tried to play with DOS. Basic commands work!

I thought Sega CD made pretty clear this doesn´t work. Looks corny as hell (and not in a good way)

I don’t know how to feel for him. Maybe it’s time to grow up and suck it up. If you’re not getting what you want there, gotta look somewhere else or stop complaining.

If you take it for what it is (a mock of a silly anime trope), sounds pretty fun.