
I finally broke down and started importing the Project Diva games, starting with PDf/F... Now, I'm not sure if I need to keep doing so... :) A lucky problem to have, for sure. Sega is doing pretty great with bringing them over, and I really don't need 1-2 extra copies of the same game.. heh.. but having it 6 months

Kinda curious if it'll stay like this.. or.. if like AC4, a patch will come around upping it to 1080 after launch. Maybe they just need some more time.. maybe it's a console war thing.. who's to say. Interesting to see what will happen, for sure.

I haven't noticed anything yet.. and I'm probably in the same boat as you.. I know that I'm playing too hard, too fast... but you just can't play Smash slow, the attacks.. running.. they just don't work consistently without that speed. So far... I'm ok.. no issues... but I'm paranoid about it... especially since I'm


PS4 ($400)
One-Year PlayStation Plus Membership ($50)
Infamous: Second Son ($60)
Killzone ($60)
+1 extra controller ($60)
CoD trade in deal ($10)
Child of Light ($15)
Outlast DLC (?)
PS Gold Headset ($100)

Simple, and relevant. Nice job. :D

Total= $1,020 <-(O_O")

-Deluxe Launch WiiU-$350
-$60 games- Super MarioU+LuigiDLC,(1) ZombiU(2), Donkey Kong(3), Mario Kart(4), Hyrule Warriors(5), Pikmin3(6), Wind Waker(7), Ninja Gaiden (8), 3d World(9). ($540+$20 used CoD+LuigiDLC) $580 for games.
-WiiU Pro Controller-$50
-Wii Fit Meter-$20 (+free wii fitU

After scrolling down the comments, apparently there are some nice english songs! .. but ya.. almost all of the English I've heard previous was just bleh.. I understand her Japanese so much better.

I understand her japanese a lot easier than her english. heh

That was really nice! Thanks for the share. :) ... I guess I just don't encounter much english on my occasional visit to niconico's top monthly charts. haha

Thanks for those. I've never really given the english a real go before. Not bad at all. Just like always, comes down to the tuning.

Ah... I didn't know that was the official song.. that makes a lot more sense now.
Yes, first, expose them.. then.. ensnare them. :3 I like your thinkin'.

(I still can't forget you singing along with PoPiPo on your way to try TacoBell breakfast. A man among men you are Mr. Fahey.)

Blah.. now that I have a camera that is actually capable.. I never find out about these things until the next day.. Shoulda checked more than just the gaming blogs yesterday. heh..

Unless you liked Blue-Chaika, then you should feel guilty. lol

Another wonderful list you have compiled Richard!
I know I say this every time.. but it's always true.. Thank you very much for doing this! It's really helpful and convenient!

Sadly, this time I am behind in watching them this season on account of my wife having a job (yay!).. but she's busier now than she was in

This needs to go places. Best pic yet. :D

I'd like to give it a look.. but sadly I'll be at work another hour. Will you still be going later?

No surprises here! :P How else can I say it... it figures. ;)

That's awesome. :D
(Ohh.. figma 2.0. Careful with the joints, I've noticed they seem way more fragile than the old ones.)

I know what you mean. lol

Funny story, just got this Saber last week for my wife.
Take that silly Asian women polls. :P