Secret Bases w/QR sold me, custom rules and being my own leader.. and battling others' made me preorder. Looks like I'm going Saphire again! :D
Secret Bases w/QR sold me, custom rules and being my own leader.. and battling others' made me preorder. Looks like I'm going Saphire again! :D
lol... I love your honesty.. and I appreciate your concern for others! :)
Yep, at least let friends chat. That'd be nice.
We'll be using Skype again tonight when we play.
Even though most of it is just us whining and laughing as we win/lose.. it's all fun.. and it's sad to miss out on that when you can't play with people in the same room.
It's pretty good! I didn't really notice/remember how expressive the old Usagi was.. so I can't really say that bugged me. Seeing it brought up though, ya.. I remember that now.. (It's been a few years.. gimme a break! haha)
If I had to point out one thing I dislike, it'd have to be the use of meh CG.. I feel that…
Do you play video games? Everything is kinda repetitive. Shoot, level up, battle.. it's not like it's a bad thing if it's fun. :) 108 swords, cool stories, tight controls, and beautiful art.. ya.. it's pretty sweet in my definition. Maybe we do have diff. definitions. :P lol
Heh.. improve Muramasa... It's already perfect. :P
(Have you played the Vita version?)
Except for spelling no, as know.. ya.. lol
Great to see this show reviewed so well. :)
I haven't wrapped up the last ep yet, but I've loved it so far.
The characters, situations, and even the strange memory problem.. all feel very real, in a good, and heartfelt way.
Came in to say something funny.. either about Miku being on the design team, maybe how these photos were 'leeked' by Nasa, perhaps a Farfetch'd pun, or simply a leenk to Leekspin.. all of these are done.. and I'm kinda proud, yet disappointed I know longer have a role.
Keep on keepin' on folks. :) You're all ahead of…
Aonuma: Is it that simple—that creating a female character means bringing more female users into the world?
To be fair, they used to do that normally. Flashing red/blue rupee was 1, solid blue was 5.. LttP wasn't that way either... Somehow, come OOT and later.. the extra processing and 3d worlds led them to believe we all were suddenly incapable of remembering what color was what value. lol
Weird how sometimes it seems…
I have that same band.. but no Zelda engraving.. :D
It looks gorgeous.. and I'm kinda jelly. >.>
You got a blue rupee! That's worth 5 whole rupees! Aren't you ecstatic?!
.. Ya. That, and the collectibles in Skyward Sword resetting the explanation every boot-up. It was great after you got one though, just ding.. hey you got another thing. Almost there... almost. :D Can't wait for new Zelda.
I should check if GameStop will let me preorder the ps3/vita versions yet. :D
That.. and ya Fahey, it was awesome. Aside from being a good deal harder, the songs were great. :) I've been importing the vita versions and then buying both stateside.. it's a good system. :)
.. I'm actually a little surprised that I'm not doing bad on these bullets.
26.. financially independent.. I'm from a relatively poor family, so I'm kinda proud about where I am now. :)
Aside from not having a house yet.. I'm debt free, my wife just graduated.. and has a nice job lined up already. That'll be a nice…
Every time your wheels/glowing hover aura leaves the ground, the jump button should be pressed. It makes your character of choice perform a cute little stunt/pose thing, which is lovely. It also gives you a substantial speed boost, which is essential for winning an online race. Everyone else will be doing it. If you…
>.> I forgot as well..
It's finally happened! :D :D :D
It's.. beautiful.. :'D
The rumble motors, most likely. :)
I'd be willing to bet it's because of the power draw from having 4 rumble-supporting controllers. That's a fair amount of juice to draw through one USB port.