I would assume so. :) Pretty sure Mario Kart 7 (3ds) did that too.
I would assume so. :) Pretty sure Mario Kart 7 (3ds) did that too.
I can't be the only one who saw this and thought of Bravely Default.. right?
Agnes going and praying at the beginning of the game? Similar? >.>
I know exactly what you mean. It's hard going from that wonderful OLED to anything else.. lol
Not sure if it's a pity or not really.. the 3ds is a solid system too.. with it's own perks, you know? Sure, the Vita is tops with specs (and almost everything else hardware-wise.. I love my Vita. :D) .. but with game like..…
The 3ds and XL sitting directly on the Vita's beautiful screen is almost criminal.
Stahp it. :(
Great article on the other side of the hype. I think I need a few more of these to keep my excitement for new technology/advancements in check. :)
PoPiPo.. and the comment about vegetable juice. lol
You're awesome Mr. Fahey.
Next time you swing past KS, let's find a karaoke joint and knock-em-dead. :D
I sing a mean Love is War. X)
*I kid, I'm not nearly brave enough to do that. lol
Too bad about the Waffle Tacos.. I'll give 'em a try.. but at least now I know to…
Ya, some magazine is with it.. not sure what exactly.. haha
Makes sense if you already had something ordered for the same release period.
I usually avoid ordering on GSC cause of shipping. -,-" ... but dad gum if they don't have some awesome exclusive stuff at times.
I really like that one. :) Didn't order it, cause ~$75 is a little much for a 1/10th scale, and I have the normal color scheme of that pose this is modeled after. >.< Too bad, cause it's a beautiful figure.. those colors look sooo nice.. X/
I'll be jealous for sure. lol
I have way too many Miku's now. :D lol
I also have an extra Winter 2014 Miku Nendoroid .. if anyone wants to buy one at list price+shipping. I'll ask once they come in. (whenever they get here in July-ish, ordered 1 for me, one for a friend, and an extra.. since free shipping)
YAY!! :D
A re-release of one of my favorite Spice and Wolf figures..
.. Miss Monochrome nenderoid up for pre-order..
Project Diva 2nd f about to ship from amiami..
..and now Sega has announced a physical release for both the PS3 and Vita versions of 2nd!?!?
Today is awesome!! :D
.. all today needs.. is a TWEWY sequel to…