I’m pretty sure this is nationwide. A death in the commission of a felony is always charged as murder.
I’m pretty sure this is nationwide. A death in the commission of a felony is always charged as murder.
Drunk drivers should be PITted, spike stripped, tased, whatever it takes to get them to stop.
The kid would likely be alive today if he was wearing his seatbelt. The kid died because his dad is an irresponsible POS.
I bet the kid wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. I’ve been in an older truck that flipped after being tboned, it went down an embankment and hit a giant gas main etc. I was TKO’d but I didn’t die because I wore my seat belt.
This only works if you don’t live in a hilly place. My cars require several thousand RPM to get to the arterial road, so they idle in the driveway or do loops around my street depending on how much time is available.
Your transmission was a lemon, it had no thing to do with fluid.
B-17G loaded with full load of bombs for striking Western Germany flew like a pig too. My grandfather complained about it vs the B-29 when he was drunk.
Hirth engines are 2 strokes, they run 93+ octane fuel with 50:1 fuel to oil ratio.
It’s not steel. Earlier Abrams models used Chobham armor developed in the UK. The later models are similar in regards to many types of metals and other materials sandwiched together.
Copy editors please! Reign != Rein
Yes we do, gtfo.
This is a stupid take, so is your whining about graphical fidelity on a machine that can’t even do 2 TFLOPS and has a 720p screen. Get a life...
All you people whining about the cost of the SSDs are thinking in terms of 2280 form factor SSD’s. The steam deck is too small for those and those use too much power, generate too much heat. Instead they use 2230 size SSDs and hardly anyone makes those so they’re expensive. They go into tiny turd laptops.
You preached a lot but your $90 isn’t going to buy you a 1TB 2230 SSD. You’re talking 2280 form factor SSDs. Only a couple of companies make 2230 SSDs. This makes them expensive.
Hi David, would a 5 or 5.8 liter 2 16 valve fit where the little turbo mill fits?
Electronics repair is a thing. there is a cottage industry that repairs circuit boards and factory radios, ECUs, BCM, other modules.
The bed isn’t as much of a problem as you think. I have a fiberglass camper shell on my ‘16 F150 and it gets the same MPG it did before.
Any decent print shop can do this.
As a not for hire RV, NO! lol