You can get F150 with 36 gallon fuel tank and superduty with 48 gallons from the factory if you order it that way. They don’t ride like clouds though.
You can get F150 with 36 gallon fuel tank and superduty with 48 gallons from the factory if you order it that way. They don’t ride like clouds though.
We found the narcissistic asshole indeed!
You can buy removable hardtops aftermarket, I like the ARE brand.
The answer to that is higher cab height or lower ground clearance.
You can buy trucks with 360 degree camera systems since at least 2016 (source, my f150 does this and has a bed cap).
This is a terrible take, google Chairman Mao.
I’ve bought three graphics cards from B&H over the years in separate circumstances each time.
When you burn lots of oil you are gassing everyone behind you in traffic. Fix it or get something else, you know who else liked to gas people? That’s right, the Nazis!.
So you don’t crash as much, duh!
This is SOP for 4x4's too, every 30-50k depending on how you beat on it for rear and front differential services, transfer case, 30-60k for the auto trans depending on how you beat on it. This is how you make your American truck drivetrain last hundreds of thousands of miles unless it’s a lemon.
2013-2017 is the last naturally aspirated stick trans accords, I bought my 14 when I did because of this.
I’ve done it twice, both with 5spd Civics in excess of 250,000. They all made it past 500,000 before they broke expensively.
Asinine only has one S in it.
Psht, if you aren’t pulling a trailer in a well configured (with the optional 36 gallon gas tank) F150 you can do 700-800 miles depending on how flat your route is and how much you stop before you refill.
Lots of dogs like cars, you just can’t take another human with you when that car is a coupe.
Spot.IM should die in a fire. I don’t recall what they changed the name to due to the burning hatred.
Joe has said he intends to restore Net Neutrality at least.
Hopefully they don’t let The Drive get killed the way Deadspin and Oppo are have been.
IDK if you have a custom sound system but typically screaming noise from cars is from excessively worn wheel bearings. They aren’t very difficult to replace.
Two words friend, “drone strikes”.