Hi there


Hello, the Big Army isn’t good at teaching other nationalities things but little Army like the Green Berets... That’s their job.

They make flat monthly rate unlimited car washes too.

Boo hoo, sound systems in cars have balance and fade controls. If you wanted all the sound to come out of one corner you could. 

Thanks David, go hogs. 

you’re a cretinous doofus, if it is a bad look in your eyes it’s probably a brilliant plan.

Some of them are though, others aren’t. 

Hi if you don’t like crowds of people are you aware that there are huge swathes of the USA with no or very few people per square mile? You can live in some of it. 

20 ply heavy truck tires are about $500 apiece and some trucks have 18 of them, they’re well within their rights to plow the road in lots of places because they take so long to stop. A crowd of restless natives isn’t going to appreciably make it stop faster. 

Black people are a small minority in the United States it’s a very good thing that they don’t burn everything down and go full on terrorists lest that 13% becomes a much, much smaller number. 

That didn’t change the Communist Party though, that guy just got gulag’d for his efforts. The popularity of the image didn’t change squat, please see recent activity in Hong Kong.

You can go way higher in f150, limited package hello?

Why do you remark on old Southerners like this? The sky is blue, old rich white people are racist, film at 11.

Right, but if a person’s brain chemistry is off and they can’t just ignore the haters or block them from their channel without it driving them to suicide maybe they should try another hobby.

Hello, if your brain is defective maybe you shouldn’t subject yourself to places where people are toxic assholes. Nobody forced these folks to play the games or stream themselves to edgy sperglords. 

It took almost 8 years for me to not react to plant pollen, cat dander, molds etc. 

This is stupid, that makes you harder to see and more likely to be squished. Modern cars are designed to put standing peds over the bumper instead of running them over. 

Try allergy shots, I was crazily allergic to cats when I was little and had terrible allergy-induced asthma but years of allergy shots later I can rub my face in fluffy cat bellies and there are no symptoms at all. Give it a whirl. 

If you have the requisite number of square miles of wilderness it’s hardly abusive so long as sufficient prey species to give it’s life meaning. 

The bigger the cat the more surface area there is to pet.