
Who the fuck names their child “Nyiasha”??!!

More whining from the perpetual victim race.

Shouldn’t you be at your NAMBLA meeting, cocksucker?

No one cares about “black Twitter” only blacks do. They couldn’t even create their own platform but yet again relied on white people to do all of the real work.

LOL, ok!

...except white people wouldn’t whine and claim victimhood, UNLIKE you.

Two shitty performances in a matter of months?!

Too fucking bad, it’s not like that makes their food any better or higher quality you fucking clownshoe!

People are just shocked that black men aren’t abandoning their women like normally. This is why you have the lowest marital rates, and highest single mothers with multiple partners rates.

Who cares, a career felon caught on video resisting arrest for over 25 minutes “fucked around and found out”, and his ex and kid he hadn’t seen for over 6 years won the ghetto lottery.

And yet per the FBI definition of “mass shootings” blacks commit FAR MORE! 

Oh look someone hates “facts and logic”!

Wait, you mean when someone from a population almost SIX TIMES LARGER goes missing it gets more attention?

Lol, when you bring up black violence happening on the HOUR nationwide and the black community not caring it’s met with denial. Yet now these same people WANT everyone to focus on black violence?! We know the perps are black, just like the Michigan State one, and just like the Tyre case and yet muted outrage...why is

(crickets like usual).

This is what happens when you have a culture that is overwhelmingly black that relies on bravado, machismo and defacto resorting to violence over “words” or a “disrespectin’ look”.

Lol, good luck explaining that in court when you actually get charged with felony you fucking mutt!

...and yet spousal abuse is HIGHEST in the black community.

Just STFU already.

Lol, good ol’ Root “whataboutism” for white people! No wonder we own you!