The article has polls rating the veins on a ceramic cows udders and rainbow colored dildos, and you’re upset that their Game of Show poll wasn’t more respectful of the games line up?
The article has polls rating the veins on a ceramic cows udders and rainbow colored dildos, and you’re upset that their Game of Show poll wasn’t more respectful of the games line up?
Aren’t you a cute Nintendo hater? Who is a Nintendo hater? You, you are a Nintendo hater, an adorable Nintendo hater (>u<)
In this, we can agree. While Nintendo’s E3 showing left me feeling like maybe, finally, someone was actually listening to longtime fans (I’m heavily biased, but I’m leaning on the announcements of Metroid Prime 4 and Metroid: Samus Returns here), they do still seem to be stuck in a cycle of needlessly complicating…
Reggie’s skill at saying a lot without saying anything is god-tier.
Using an app on your phone for social functions on another console is a fucking joke.
That seems like the tag-line for this year’s E3
That’s the thing with Nintendo games. On the surface, they seemed to lack depth to the whole thing. But beyond the kiddy veneer, there’s a whole lot of ground to cover.
Yeah the floaty controls of LBP was it’s downfall
I love how the Yoshi series is now all about unique platforming gameplay with incredible aesthetics. I cannot wait for this.
Two sides to every story dude!
So... this is about a marauding dinosaur that invades peaceful towns, kills its inhabitants, destroys its buildings, and takes its treasures. Has Bowser ever been the villainous?
The handcrafted look for the upcoming Yoshi game on the Switch is freaking adorable.
Holy shit shut up.
Have you been phone shopping lately?
People old enough to actually remember such phones are not nostalgic for them. The only people who are “nostalgic” for that stuff weren’t even alive then.
Already happened when I tried to preorder at GameStop today.
All they need to fix is just create another refresh 6 month down the road called the Xbox One X Box. There, problem solved.
thought the revolution was the wii.
I’m gonna wait for the Xbox One X Two X Xbox.
Nintendo: No one could come up with a worse name for a console than Wii U.