
Huh? Have you seen the telecommunication’s industry lately? Or any other tech related industry? Also, none of these companies should be broken up, and for what reason? Suppose a company grew large with no (what you would call) underhanded tactics. You’re saying they should be broken up because they’re successful?

lol thats too funny. Windows will never die out as everyone knows how to use it and businesses keep buying it. If that ever changes then windows will go away.

Some people cannot comprehend changes, so they stick to it, logic is futile.

Windows 10 asks you to update and there is tons of resources to say what equipment doesn’t carry over to Win 10. What did he have for $5000 that didn’t work with Win 10? There have been MANY devices added to OS since launch.

So I’m a Microsoft fan boy because I haven’t had this issue and don’t know anyone who has? Great logic! It’s funny, because I was just making an honest statement, but you have to get all defensive.

Seriously considering an X1 for the buy one get both option that's for sure. I have a ps4 for my out of town stints, but the potential for cloud saves working on either system is enough for me to get their system too