
Tesla should not have been allowed to name their system “Auto Pilot”. At this point in automated driving, no commercial product should be allowed to be named such that it may be construed that no input is required from the driver.

Fortunately his paper thin muscles and rubbery, calcium deficient bones came through unscathed. Don’t listen to your parents: all that time spent playing video games and living on a Doritos diet will eventually pay off.

They won’t be screwed today, or tomorrow. It will be a long, slow, painful, deeply-penetrating screwing that lasts for years that leaves them a shadow of their former selves.

I-Key on the handle? I have no idea what you’re talking about. As I said, it was a rental. Perhaps if I’d read through the owners manual, it might have informed me, but who reads through the owners manual for a rental car?

Fords shut off after 30 minutes if the key is not present. Hondas shut off after 10 if remote-started and the key is not present - not sure if its the same if just left running.

I had a rental Nissan Rogue (hated it) in Atlanta last November with a proximity key. Being an unfamiliar car, in an unfamiliar area, I wanted to make doubly sure the doors were locked, but I couldn’t check unless I walked away, set the keys down, and walked back to check. It was rather annoying.

I love my Honda Civic with PHYSICAL KEYS. That chime if you open the doors with the key in the ignition,. That you have to yank off said ignition to turn it off. And a big’ol button to CLOSE the doors, and then I can CHECK if the doors closed.

Making the same product slightly smaller is not a new business venture. Also an established company cannot be considered a start-up. Even if Tesla were to decide they now wanted to make airplanes, Tesla would not be a start-up. It would be an existing [supposedly] self-sustaining company that is branching out into a

Your assessment is not accurate on many levels.

How many decades can a company be considered a start-up?

They are 15 years old with a 60 billion dollar market cap on 12 billion in revenue they are not a start up.

At what point does a company stop being called a start up? I honestly have no idea, but 15 years seems a bit much.

Is Tesla a start up? Why should I buy a new car from a start up? If I’m trusting a company to build a car for me, then they should be better at running their company. Maybe there are a lot of bad news stories about Tesla on here. Maybe they’re also deserved. The ‘contractor’ story was objectively ridiculous.

Why are low pay and long hours acceptable at Tesla? They have been around for 15 years now, that isn’t a start up anymore. If the only way you can run your business is by mistreating your employees, you deserve all the criticism that comes your way and should try to treat your employees better; not keep running your

The price difference per gallon is about 20 cents at the moment, so you’re freaking out about maybe $3-4 extra per fillup. But sure, completely remodel your engine to save yourself the price of that latte.

Complaining that this site editorializes its news stories is like complaining that that a dog isn’t a cat.

How is this a negative spin? Tesla is objectively a dumpster fire at this point.

How many times must we cover that you can’t compare MON+RON numbers to those computed in Yur-rope? The goal in the U.S. is to standardize to a single octane number of ~91 MON+RON because it is the optimal compromise between allowing for better operational efficiency while minimizing the added cost to produce it (which

There once was a man from Nantucket