
Don’t make it a Mustang. It would be horrible if C&C spectators had absolutely no warning as to what was coming up on them sideways.

If you want to make yourself feel better about accomplishing nothing, that’s on you buddy.

You mean when you are not capable of logic.. I know you are too immature to understand, but it’s okay to have different opinions. It’s okay to discuss those differences also. You might learn something. Several people here have made some good points, even if I don’t agree with their overall view.

Nice try. I can see a setup coming. It really doesn’t matter what my answer was. You would find way to make it a negative.

Yes, socialists usually have very little working experience. I strongly suspect I’m right in this case. Your comments still do not make sense. Doctors make a lot of money, as they should. If you haven’t been working hard enough in school to get into a good college or med school, then you don’t deserve to make the same

That’s pretty ridiculous. I’m going to guess that you don’t have much real world experience yet. If you pay people when they don’t work, many of them are not going to work.

Redistribution is good and should be the aim of all tax policy.

I never said it was good. You made that up. I said it was impossible. Because of the ridiculous amount of money the country spends, the flat rate would be impossibly high for the poor and middle class.

I know. I never said otherwise. I have to explain that to people all the time when they advocate for a flat tax. It’s not possible because so few pay so much as it is. That doesn’t make them a piggy bank to pay for your retirement.

Take a look at many of the proposals here. Lots of people want to steal from the rich. Doing away with the social security cap is stealing because it’s money they will never get back. SS was not meant to be welfare.

Uh.. Of course I do. I can have opinions like anyone else, whether you agree with them or not. And yes, what the other commenter was proposing was communism. You need to look up the definition.

I find it odd that you see someone else’s money as your money.

Healthcare has nothing to do with social security.

The true poor will always remain poor no matter what you GIVE them. The homeless will remain homeless no matter if you GIVE them a house, the non-motivated will remain non-motivated as long as they are GIVEN things.

I’m not sure why you are making up the same argument as Volante3192. I’m not anti-government and never said anything like it. I’m against a retirement program that has a negative rate of return.

Right. You do that by making sure they can take care of themselves, not taking from others.

Correct. If you’re under 40 and you’ve been paying into SS your entire working life, you’ll likely never get an actual payment, and if you do it will be on the backs of your children’s children.

Yeah. You are plagiarizing Obama. I think he plagiarized Elizabeth Warren. It has nothing to do with this conversation. I pay taxes also. I don’t feel jealous toward wealthy people and i don’t need to take more from them.

Nothing you sad is based on reality. It’s all in your head. I will take care of myself and my family. I don’t need to suck off the teet of others.

Yes. It’s stealing when it’s excessive. You are not looking for a safety system. You are looking for redistribution. Communism hasn’t worked anywhere.