
... meh.

... Shilling for RAM?

“Corvette? No, brah... pretty sure that it’s a Lambo...”

Nah... need more Zimmer

I’ve driven one - not fun.

Nope.  The 2A is not the problem. 

Guns still aren’t the problem -

And yet, a metric shit-ton of legally owned firearms harmed no one in America, today, yesterday, last week, last month, last Year.

I’m holding out hope for an Earth-hit by the Giant Asteroid of Death.

... for the kids here that don’t know the reference.

Humans screw up everything.

...here’s your damn Star.

Search around & you won’t find traces of horse poop, but maybe wino poop...


You might find your kidneys to be quite a bit more useful.

I’d be more concerned over some country using Chem/Bio weapons before Nukes.

It’s why 99 & 44/100% of Internet commenters will never have a C8.

The Supra is just a sad BMW Coupe

2 off the top of my head.