
Bench-racing costs no money.

Dude. Chill.  I like the ATS/CTS.   And I’m extremely informed -

You effers are never happy.

Who needs Facts, when hearsay about Russian involvement seems to be just as effective?

Want an ATS-V?

Kristen: Did you prefer driving the CT4 over the CT5, or the other way around?

As fast-charging capabilities increase, regardless of Tesla/CCS, etc, Range won’t be as critical - faster charging will be key.

Any bets on When Elon will be sitting in front of Congress, seeking TARP dollars?

Nissan ceased being relevant awhile ago.

And water is wet.

Think how much EASIER AV’s will make it for the local hoodies to do drive-bys when their hands are free to reload...


So, you say that you’re more Rural?

CP. All Day Long...

People that don’t want to drive so that ‘they have time to do other things’ already have multiple mobility options...

... NOW they make it available.

Ahem. AMG - Mercedes C36

Meet the BMW 3.5-liter straight-6, used in passenger cars.